• Question: What is the silliest thing you've done in your life?

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      Asked by ALOrona to John, Laura, Luke, Rob, Ruth on 20 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: Robert Williams

        Robert Williams answered on 20 Jun 2016:

        Difficult one to answer but probably the silliest thing was white water rafting – I cannot swim!
        For silliest equates to most supid thing I’ve done

      • Photo: Laura Finney

        Laura Finney answered on 20 Jun 2016:

        I have made lots of silly mistakes but the silliest was probably believing for a very long time that a ham is a type of bird !! LOL!
        I have no idea why I thought it as it wasn’t something someone had told me. People find this very funny and silly when I tell them!

      • Photo: Ruth Patchett

        Ruth Patchett answered on 20 Jun 2016:

        That’s a tough question I have done a lot of silly things. I think the important thing is that I have learnt when it is okay to be silly and when I have to control myself (because being silly is pretty fun sometimes).

        Probably one of the silliest things I have ever done was eat an entire bag of chocolate raisins when my friend was cooking me a special dinner, I felt so sick I couldn’t eat any. Then I felt even worse as he’d gone through so much effort to make it :/

      • Photo: Luke Williams

        Luke Williams answered on 21 Jun 2016:

        The thing that most obviously comes to mind was back in school when I was persuaded my by friends that they would be able to use my glasses to unlock a door.

        Unfortunately that really isn’t the case. Thankfully my glasses weren’t too badly damaged in the attempt, as I am pretty much blind without them.
