• Question: what do you think of veganism?

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      Asked by xX_OldManVeganGains_Xx to John, Laura, Luke, Rob, Ruth on 15 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: John Fossey

        John Fossey answered on 15 Jun 2016:

        good in principle
        I tried it for just 3 months but I was too tempted by my food memories

        However, for children and elderly people high protein non-vegan foods might be beneficial, I am not sure if protein yields of high yield crops could account for a global shift in demand if everyone went vegan and the population continued to grow. The whole planet would need to be a soya farm.

        I respect the choice to avoid animal products, if an individual choses to. If a balanced diet is achievable within these choices and your health is not compromised you should be free to do what you want.

      • Photo: Laura Finney

        Laura Finney answered on 15 Jun 2016:

        I think it is a good choice if you can stick to it and be truly healthy and still maintain a good balanced diet/get all your protein etc.
        I am considering going vegetarian as eating meat is so bad for the environment. For now I am reducing the amount I eat to see if one day I might be able to live without meat completely.

      • Photo: Ruth Patchett

        Ruth Patchett answered on 16 Jun 2016:

        I think it is a tough thing to do and you really have to make sure you plan your meals and nutrition carefully for example it’s pretty hard to get vitamin B12 which you normally get in meat and dairy products so supplements might be needed. Personally I don’t think I could do it but know a couple of people who have pretty good diets as a vegan it just makes eating out quite tricky. I think this should change as more people are becoming vegans so restaurants are offering more choice and there are plenty of veggie/vegan shops around if you do your research.

      • Photo: Luke Williams

        Luke Williams answered on 16 Jun 2016:

        Pretty difficult to go full vegan and stay healthy, always got to be careful. Certainly doable though, particularly if you like things like Quorn, which incidentally is grown in ridiculously huge vats. Apparently only a few Quorn products are vegan though, that’s something I didn’t know.

        At the end of the day, it’s a personal choice. Definitely better for the environment and it is certainly a better choice for the planet in terms of reducing human impact. I would think that mycoprotein (protein from fungus, like Quorn) is one of the best ways to feed the planet protein. Another would be the use of insects on a wide scale.

        That said, it would be difficult to get me away from meat and fish. Particularly the fish. Circumstances may force that one though, when we start seriously thinking about how we get our food and providing enough for the entire planet to eat.
