• Question: Were you bullied? How would/ did you deal with it?

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      Asked by Georgia :D XXX to John, Laura, Luke, Rob, Ruth on 10 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: Laura Finney

        Laura Finney answered on 10 Jun 2016:

        I was bullied a little bit in school. I was always called a “Swot”. This is a word people used in Wales (and probably other places) when people want to insult you for doing well in school (as if it’s a bad thing *rolls eyes*).
        I dealt with this by basically ignoring it. I told them I would laugh in future and got on with my work and carried on being a “Swot”. I’ve found later in life that these people wish they had tried harder in school, even though it’s what they bullied me for, they now regret it!

      • Photo: Robert Williams

        Robert Williams answered on 10 Jun 2016:

        I was bullied at school, but I decided to face up to them in a controlled and reasonable way.
        I was never bullied again

      • Photo: Ruth Patchett

        Ruth Patchett answered on 10 Jun 2016:

        Hi Georgia, I was never really bullied at school but I do have friends who were. I think the most important thing is to talk to people about it your friends, patents, teachers or whoever you trust. The most important thing to know is you’re not alone and people saying mean things does not make them true. Everyone feels rubbish sometimes so I’d say work hard to find friends who help you to feel good about yourself and (try to) ignore the rest!

      • Photo: John Fossey

        John Fossey answered on 11 Jun 2016:

        Most people experience some unpleasantness, and this can happen any time in your life. Its really important to tell someone about it, teachers are very experienced in helping resolve such issues.
        In the work place this can also occur, a good employer might have a mentoring or buddy scheme that can be helpful.
        It can feel isolating – don’t suffer in silence or alone, speak to someone, such as ChildLine http://www.childline.org.uk/

      • Photo: Luke Williams

        Luke Williams answered on 13 Jun 2016:

        I was bullied substantially, mostly because I enjoyed school and was very academic. Because I was that obvious target (oh and glasses, naturally), people would often go for me as the apparently easy target.

        Fortunately I simply didn’t care what people said about me, as their insults were usually incredibly stupid and pretty unimaginative. I was also pretty lucky in that I was very tall.

        Ultimately, people tend to bully because they aren’t happy with their own life and think that by making someone else upset it will make themselves feel better.

        Those who apparently hated me grew up and realised how stupid they had been, even apologising for their behaviour towards me previously.
