• Question: like in charlie and the chocolate factory, do you think it would be possible to make a meal in a single sweet/tablet in the future so each layer tastes of a diffrent course?

    Asked by Jazz.Au to Laura on 22 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Laura Finney

      Laura Finney answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      I think the idea is fab 🙂 I think it could be possible if you had a tablet that released things/flavours at different times, so it felt like you were having a 3 course meal in your mouth 🙂 I am not sure if it would give you all of the different vitamins and minerals you would need though! It would probably be more for the novelty and the fact it’s cool rather than actually replacing proper meals. I also doubt it would be very filling.
      However, I think you could play with some really cool flavour chemistry to make it happen. It’s actually such a cool idea and thanks for asking this! It has really got me thinking about it 🙂 If I ever invent it I will definitely mention your name 😀
