• Question: God or evolution?

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      Asked by ALOrona to John, Laura, Luke, Rob, Ruth on 10 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: Laura Finney

        Laura Finney answered on 10 Jun 2016:

        Easy -Evolution.
        I’ve never been religious and I think the evidence for evolution is too strong for me not to believe it. I went to a zoo in Devon today (as i’m on holiday, but couldn’t stop myself form popping online and answering questions!) and I saw gorillas. They are so like us! I just can’t be swayed that we must have evolved from something like that.

        However, I like the idea that there is something like heaven out there so in some ways I wish I believed in god. There are a lot of religious scientists though!

      • Photo: Ruth Patchett

        Ruth Patchett answered on 11 Jun 2016:

        Evolution. Like Laura says there is so much evidence for it however plenty of people believe in both.

      • Photo: John Fossey

        John Fossey answered on 11 Jun 2016:

        What is your favourite food fairies or pizza?
        I’ll take an evolution pizza please.

      • Photo: Luke Williams

        Luke Williams answered on 12 Jun 2016:

        +1 for Evolution
