• Question: Are dreams made of atoms?

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      Asked by SherlockLives to John, Laura, Luke, Rob, Ruth on 20 Jun 2016.
      • Photo: Laura Finney

        Laura Finney answered on 20 Jun 2016:

        If we think that dreams are made by our brains, and our brains work by passing electricity (or electrons) through nerves in order to create images in our minds, then I would say they are not made of atoms but of particles in a sense. The image isn’t made of anything but what makes it is electrical impulses in our brain which are electrons.
        Great and thought-provoking question – thanks 🙂

      • Photo: Robert Williams

        Robert Williams answered on 20 Jun 2016:

        Dreams are probably made of ‘conenctions’ within the brain that firve is recall because a particular routing of brain conecitons is made.
        Often people will remember things days, weeks or months after an event from their long-term memory that they cannot recall from shiort term memory.
        Dreams are all part of this by allowing the Brain to go ‘on holiday’ while we sleep and it probably is a way for the brain to prepare itself for the actions it needs to do when we wake up.

      • Photo: Ruth Patchett

        Ruth Patchett answered on 20 Jun 2016:

        Dreams are a product of our brain activity when we sleep. This is actually controlled by ions being passed around out braincells in pathways so in a way yes. I don’t know if its cool or a little sad that thoughts and ideas are made of atoms when we really think them of being a completely separate thing.
